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How to set up automations with your Mobiz campaign.

Written by Security Team
Updated over a week ago

Automations allow you to capture information about your user as well as their journey and engagements through your campaign. There are two parts to automation, namely the Trigger and the Action.

Trigger - This can be any part of your campaign which, when interacted with it by the user, serves as a catalyst for a specific function or action to be carried out.

Action - The action determines what happens once the triggered has been activated.

For example, a user submits their contact details through a form (Trigger) and the information they have submitted is sent via email to the call centre manager (Action).

Depending on your campaign type and content, you will have different automation options available to you:

Note: You will not be presented with an automation option if the trigger is not available in your campaign content. For example, you cannot add an automation for a Form Submit if your template does not contain any forms or submit buttons.

Set up your Automations

Depending on the type of trigger and action, these steps may vary slightly. However, you will be prompted at each step to choose the closest match you can find. These can be edited before you deploy your campaign if need be.

For all automations, the following steps will apply:

Step 1: From your campaign dashboard, scroll down till you see the heading Automations. Click on the blue Add Automations button on your right.

Step 2: Select your trigger type from the list presented to you. Each of these triggers will offer a brief description to help you choose the correct one.

Step 3: Once you have chosen your trigger you will be prompted to complete the steps for your chosen automation.

Step 4: At each step, make your selection and then click on Next. Complete each step until you are prompted to click Create.

Step 5: Click on Create to generate the automation, which will then appear on your campaign dashboard. Repeat this process for each action you would like to measure using automations in your campaign.

Step 6: Tapping on the cog icon to the right of your automation will allow you to perform the following actions:

Edit - Make changes to the Action on your Trigger. Note: You will not be able to change the trigger type here. To do so you will need to delete the incorrect automation and create a new one with the correct trigger.

Rename - Change the name of the automation for your own reference and tracking. For example, "Customer clicked on Payment Page".

Delete - Remove the automation completely from your campaign.

Change Frequency - Toggle Allow multiple trigger per customer on or off. Unticking this option means you will only record one trigger action per customer, their initial click, and not any subsequent clickthroughs from their same user ID.

What happens to the information captured by automations?

The Action you select when setting up your automation will determine where the information is directed to or used. You may choose to share this data with an external source, such as via email notification, or use it to automatically update a customer database hosted within the Mobiz platform.

Alternatively, you can set up your action to send a Mobiz Trigger Campaign, make a 3rd Party Call through the API, or select an Enterprise Custom Action.

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