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Tips for designing your content

How to create content for your Mobiz templates.

Written by Security Team
Updated over a week ago

If you're hoping to design an engaging campaign and would like to create some eye-catching content to use in your Mobiz template, we have some helpful tips for you.

To ensure your template is visually appealing, communicates clearly, and looks professional, you'll want to follow the basic design guidelines outlined in this article.

Some tips to remember when designing content

Setting up your design:

  • Set up your design in your preferred design software as 800 px wide, RGB color space and 72 dpi.

  • Content designed to the specifications of 800 px wide will fill the entire width of most mobile device screens, thus we recommend this size for your design.

  • There is no constraint to how long your content must be, however we recommend not exceeding 5000px in length. Instead, break up your content across multiple pages.

Text sizes:

When adding text to your designs, it is important to keep in mind that your content will be viewed on mobile devices which typically have smaller screen sizes. This can affect the visibility of text, especially for those with sight-impairment, so it is best to design text that is easy to read.

  • 18 - 22 px can be used for small text like terms and conditions.

  • 26 - 28 px is the recommended size for body copy text.

  • 38 - 52 px can be used to distinguish your headings.

  • 52+ px is best for large text, such as headlines.

Using colour:

Due to smaller screen sizes, colour choices will be more important and can affect visibility.

Saving your design:

  • You can export transparent backgrounds as PNG designs for your Mobiz template.

  • It is best to export as either PNG or JPEG, but be mindful of the file size as this can influence quality and loading times.

How will I use this content?

When creating your template you can include different kinds of content, from images, videos and carousels to text, forms and statements.

While content such as text and forms can be created directly on the Mobiz platform, you can also include banners, footers, videos, images, and more. With simple upload options and dynamic features, adding your brand elements and graphics is easy!

Including images in online marketing campaigns can produce significantly higher percentages of engagement than text-only posts. Incorporating visual content in your marketing campaigns not only allows your audience to get a quicker understanding of your message, but it also facilitates better retention of the information you are trying to portray.

You can find a full list of our content features by tapping on the button below:

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