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Content features overview

An overview of the various unique content features available to you when creating your Mobiz template.

Written by Security Team
Updated over a week ago

When creating your template and adding in content, you will be presented with a list of options.

Let's go through each option, one by one:

Image: Upload a static image either located on the user's local hard drive or in the "Files" section of the main user menu.

External Image: Add an image from an external online resource.

Image Map: Add an image that can be programmed to have different clickable sections.

Image slider: Allows the user to create a carousel of different images.

Image Icons: Add multiple images all positioned on the same row.

Plain Text: Add in plain text to the template which can be styled using various editing tools.

Text Links: Add hyperlinks to text and use the editing tools to change the text appearance.

Quick Table: Add tabular content to the template

FAQ: Add multiple Question and Answer text fields to help answer the most commonly asked questions your customers may have in a neat drop down style menu.

Text Answer: Add a free form text field; usually used to prompt the user for a short text

Comment Box: Similar to the text answer, but usually used for longer text responses required from the user

Single Answer: Give the user a list of several choices from which they can only select one option to answer the question

Multiple-choice answer: Give the user a list of several choices from which they can select multiple answers in response to a question

Rating: Allows the user to provide a rating which can be used for several different use cases - various different symbols can be used (e.g stars) as well as numbers

Confirmation: Use this if you need your customers to confirm that certain information is correct, or that they understand and accept, such as in the case of Terms and Conditions.

Submit button: Use as a button that enables users to submit a form or survey they have completed - can be used to partially or completely submit content from a form

Countdown Timer: Select a future date and time from which a countdown timer will start - this can be styled in different ways using various editing tools

Number Animator: A number can be displayed in the template which can, in an animated fashion, counted up to. The caption and appearance relating to the number can be styled in various different ways

Map: Add a map to the content which contains a field where the user can enter an address, which can then be displayed on the map

Youtube: Embed a playable Youtube video into your template

Vimeo: Embed a playable Vimeo video into your template

DailyMotion: Embed a playable DailyMotion video into your template

SoundCloud: Add a SoundCloud audio to your template

Barcode: Add a barcode to the template - one can choose a custom code as well as a unique symbol

QR Code: Add a QR code to the template and customise the related content

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